Моторное масло
1) Установите автомобиль на ровной площадке.
2) Вытащите щуп уровня масла и вытрите его насухо.
3) Снова вставьте щуп уровня масла до упора. Убедитесь, что щуп вставлен правильно и находится в нужном положении.
4) Снова вытащите его и проверьте уровень масла. Если уровень моторного масла ниже линии «L», проверьте двигатель на предмет утечек масла и долейте масло до линии «F». Во избежание перелива моторного масла, не добавляйте масло выше линии «F» на холодном двигателе.
5) Проверьте масло на предмет видимого загрязнения или наличия в нем охлаждающей жидкости или топлива. В случае видимого загрязнения, замените его. При наличии в масле примесей охлаждающей жидкости или топлива, проверьте двигатель.
6) После заливки моторного масла, запустите двигатель на несколько минут, затем остановите его. Подождите несколько минут, пока
масло не вернется в поддон картера, и снова проверьте уровень масла.
Vehicle paints are subject to severe demands caused by external influences. Moisture, air-borne deposits in the form of various chemicals and UV light constantly affect a paint surface. Furthermore, mechanical damage occurs through grit, stones and sand. Bird droppings, insect residues, pollen and tree sap also attack the paint surface. The present literature not only informs the specialist about current repair painting techniques, but also provides tips and instructions on modern and economical repair processes. High quality bodywork paints require the use of the most modern technologies and regular updating of the technician's knowledge of painting techniques, because of the constantly new developments in paint technology. Information about different materials is listed under Specification. Furthermore, information on the fundamental principles of repair painting and paint materials is provided in several chapters. The safety instructions indicate the possible health hazards and other sources of danger. There are also notes about tools and materials as well as on basic painting methods. In the model specific repair instructions, only the most important repair steps or special features are referred to. Detailed information on the generally applicable painting procedures is given in this paint manual. Direct supply of repair paints by Ford has been discontinued. There is however an agreement with many paint manufacturers, which ensures fast and problem-free supply to the dealer undertakings.
Paint suppliers:
• DuPont
• Sikkens
• Standox
When using painting materials, it should be taken into account that the manufacturers have exactly matched their products between each other. In order to avoid quality defects, difficulties in working and losses in corrosion protection, these may not be substituted with other products.